All of us want to meet the right person and settle down with them. Most of us want our relationships to last. However, a good number of romantic partnerships end in break-ups. It is said that falling in love is easier than making the relationship last. What are the major causes of a failed relationship? Every couple is different, but there are a few common damaging factors that prove harmful to romantic partnerships. In today’s blog your favorite relationship issues therapist and matchmaker will talk about three avoidable reasons that lead to the dissolution of relationships.
1. When you don’t trust your partner
Lack of trust is the most damaging factor that hinders any couple’s long-term success. If you don’t trust your partner, you won’t feel the safety and security that a healthy relationship otherwise promises. Trust issues include possessiveness, jealously, unreasonable rigidity, relational game playing, lack of emotional support, lack of reliability, lack of financial compatibility, and emotional and sexual infidelity within its ambit.
If you consider trust to be a dominant issue in your current relationship, or if it was one in the previous relationship, examine if the lacking trust is coming from a pattern of evidence or is based on unjustified fears. So, are you unable to trust your partner because of broken promises, or is it just jealously without proof?
2. When you and your partner have different expectations
You must have heard of Mark Twain’s famous saying, “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” Being in a long-term successful relationship sometimes feel like a daunting task. The elements that draw two people toward each-other in the beginning, like physical attraction, personality connections, common interests, or socio-economic backgrounds, tend to fade out as the demands of everyday life sets in. At some point in time, what one person expects from the relationship may differ from the other. Instead of thinking about “what we want,” you may start pondering more about “what I want.”
3. When you start having contemptuous communication
Every relationship issues therapist will tell you that proper communication is the backbone of a successful relationship. Lack of communication leads to misunderstandings that eventually result in a break-up. You also need to avoid contemptuous communication. If you are always criticizing your partner, the health of your romantic relationship is bound to suffer.
If you are looking for the love that you deserve, Finley Introductions can help! Do get in touch with us for relationship consultant matchmaking.