The way you feel when you kiss him
for the first time.
Like fire within your bones.
Like your soul has returned to the water.
Like every part of you that came from a dead star is alive again.
—Nikita Gill
by Margot Finley, Certified Matchmaker
“Kiss me with your eyes” is one way to avoid infection, but who wants to leave it at that?!
Remember when all we had to worry about was how fresh our breath is as we leaned in for that first kiss? Puckering up while worrying if your date is a super spreader is a punch to passion, a buzz kill. Volume Dating aka Online Dating puts you directly in that scenario.
So if avoiding online dating, what about meeting in public group venues like church, restaurants and gyms? That, as you know, is fraught with downsides, namely avoidance of gatherings, public venues closing, and universal wearing of face coverings disguising each one of us.
What is one to do now?
Meeting through mutual friends is still one of the number one ways to meet someone with whom you could build a lasting love with. Fix ups by friends has among the highest statistics for success. So, ask your friends to set you up!
Savvy singles who refuse to “wait for this to be over” are hiring matchmakers.
“Proactive singles, more than ever, are hiring elite Matchmakers as a way to screen out the duds and screen in the best matches by checking civil and criminal backgrounds, conducting detailed interviews, cross referencing multiple data points about each individual to scan for consistency and look for any red flags, such as alias names that are associated with them. The icing on the cake is holding singles contractually accountable to there claim to be covid19 free.”
Some say they see Matchmakers as the sole remaining reliably safe way to meet, date and fall in love in 2020. VIP Matchmakers like Finley Introductions can be relied upon to interview and screen the match, complete a background check, and get written and binding confirmation that they are free of covid19 before even the first date and throughout the process.
So find a reputable matchmaker that you connect with, get started and soon you will not have to settle for “kiss me with your eyes”…..